Tips & Tricks
Budget-Friendly Rides: The Most Affordable New Cars You Can Buy

Need wheels but strapped for cash? Don't worry, you're not stuck with clunker central! There are actually some super affordable brand new rides out there. We're talking prices that won&

Tips & Tricks
Unlocking the Secrets to Buying Reliable Used Cars: A Mechanic's Guide

The thing about used cars is, some are built like tanks and others are built like... well, not tanks. Mechanics see it all, and here's the inside scoop: Toyota's Unstoppable: Seriousl

Infamous Cars and Their Dark Histories: From Diana to Tupac

You know how everyone was obsessed with Princess Diana's death? Well, her car actually disappeared for a while. Cops had it, then it was reportedly in France, but who knows? Journalists couldn'

Tips & Tricks
Dodge Dealership Fees: Your Ultimate Guide to Avoid Overpaying

Buying a car is expensive enough, right? Then the dealership hits you with all these random fees. It's enough to make you scream. So, let's break down what to watch for, so you don't walk

Tips & Tricks
Mastering Your Ride: Essential Skills for Every Car Enthusiast

Seriously, there's zero shame in not being a car wizard, but there are some basic skills every self-respecting car person should have under their belt. Let's break it down, starting with easy

Tips & Tricks
Essential Car Features: What Drives Your Purchase Decisions?

Seriously, cars are a freakin' money pit these days. New, used... it seems like they're all designed to suck our bank accounts dry. And sure, new models have all those cool gadgets and safety

Tips & Tricks
Unlocking Savings: How the New Electric Car Tax Credit Works in 2024

Okay, the government finally decided to make going electric a little sweeter! If you're eyeing a new electric car in 2024, there's this new tax credit thing that could save you big bucks. Here

Unraveling the Mystery of Car Depreciation: What You Need to Know

Ugh, car depreciation – because money doesn't grow on rrees, unfortunately. Seriously, between the crazy monthly payments and insane gas prices, you'd think owning a car was punishm

Tips & Tricks
Used Car Shopping: Mileage Matters and More

Shopping for used cars very much resembles scrolling through a dating app, right? Looking for the one and only, and if it doesn’t have much of a blurred history – even better! What'

Cracking the Code: Car Destination Charges Explained

Let's chat about this thing called a destination charge when you're out car shopping. You know, that extra cost that pops up and makes you go, "What's this now?" It's basical

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